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Halloween Midis



Halloween Midis

Sampling Halloween Songs: Just left click on the title of the song to hear it...

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 Addam's Family Theme  Funeral Music  Mystery
 Addam’s Family Waltz  Ghostbusters Theme  Phantasm Theme
 Addam’s Family Waltz #2  Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown  Phantasm Theme #2
 Aliens Theme  Halloween Theme  Psycho Theme
Beetlejuice Theme  Haunted Mansion 1  Sanctified
Benidictus  Haunted Mansion 2  Spooks on Parade
Bewitched Theme  Heretic  Tales From the Crypt
Dance of the Macabre  Alfred Hitchcock Presents…  Terminator Theme
Dead Souls  Incredible Hulk Theme  The Fangs
Deep Red  It’s Halloween  Thriller
Doll Room  Monster Mash  Toccata and Fugue
 Don’t Fear the Reaper  Moody  Twilight Zone Theme
 Dracula  Mortuary  Werewolves in London
 The Exorcist  Mystery Science Theater 3000  X-Files Theme
 Freddy’s Theme  The Munsters Theme  

 Twilight Zone

Twilight Zone (Golden Earring)

Werewolves of London

Don't Fear The Reaper

Helter Skelter


The Lost Boys

Space 1999


Sierra's Phantasmagoria

From The TV Show Millennium


Phantom of the Opera

From King's Needful Things

Flying Purple People Eater

The Star Wars Cantina

Edward ScissorHands

Nightmare Before Christmas

Danse Macabre

Funeral March

Lullaby of the Spirits

Addams Family

The Black Hole



Dark Angel

Dark Flame




Halloween 2 Theme

Haunted House

Helter Skelter

Spooks on Parade






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